As'salaamu alaikum sisters question for those who are reading Surah baqarah daily. When you're in the midst of reciting do you ever get moments of clarity about particular things, could be certain situations that are weighing heavy and your mind just has this unexplained moment of clarity about it, like Allah has unlocked this part of your brain you never even knew existed. It's just so difficult to explain but it's quite profound and I would love to hear of anyone else has experienced any similar

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Wa alaikumus salaam wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakaatuh Sister- YES!! And I believe we all have so many 'Suratul Baqara stories'. I might share one on my personal substack as well. It's really such a profound experience, that you're right, those moments of clarity can be hard to explain subhaanAllah! And it happens even more frequently inside of Ramadhan. I kind of liken it to flashes of lightning and rain pouring down with the pieces of so many life puzzles specific to us, and it all makes perfect sense.

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It is indeed a lonely path! JazakAllah Khair for the lovely podcast!

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Jazakillahu khayr. The message in this podcast really resonated with me at this stage of my life. Thank you!

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JazakAllah khair Sumayah for this post. If there was one which I would want to listen to literally everyday, it would be this reminder…esp the advice and how you’ve shared it at the end-

Allah accept it from you and be our ‘companion of comfort’ in this path to Him…

The loneliness is the thing which gets to me , a LOT…and this all makes sense …yet I can see those shining stars ✨ along the way…you are def a beautiful shining bright one ✨🤲🏽 and I’m grateful for you and I appreciate you💖

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