Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah
For those who couldn't make it, this is my talk from last night. I'm not a polished public speaker, I only have one mode 😅 my comfort zone is on camera (à la HTT) or behind the mic podcasting.
To the couple hundred ladies came out to celebrate the Qur'an and to be in a gathering where Allah is praised and His words are recited, it was lovely meeting you, talking to you, crying with you and I am very enthusiastic for the future of our community knowing there are bright minds and warm hearts like yours among us.
Last night I saw sisters I haven't seen in a decade, people who I knew a lifetime ago. I left with my heart full and in it is a dua for each and every one of you, attending and away, organizers, co-presenters, our wonderful MC:
May Allah continue to bless you and surround you with His protection and mercy.
Special duas for my dear Nilly (yes from Stori Dori!) for recording this, because I forgot completely, may the benefit from hearing this weigh heavily on your scales.
The last part:
Jazakum Allah Khair for listening and for supporting my Substack. For being with me on this journey towards Allah, comparing notes and growing together. You guys are my crew and I couldn't ask for a better one.
Fi Aman'Illah 🩷
Sincerely, Sumayah
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