Sincerely, Sumayah
Sincerely, Sumayah - Substack Edition
[Episode 17] When Allah Decides to Give You Something

[Episode 17] When Allah Decides to Give You Something

Don't give up on your Duas, you have no idea how close you are to Allah answering them

While you listen:

Coming in for our landing into Cairo International over the Nile.

The school I went to (nearly) from K through 12. Shout-out to the Farouk Crew ✨

The building I grew up in— everything seemed smaller and older. It’s fascinating how the world looked to us as children, and what those things look like through our grown-up eyes.

The best friend and ICU doctor in the world—A’laa, may Allah bless you, work through your hands, protect your kids, take the best care of you and your loved ones and hold you close to Him always.

Say a dua for this beautiful human being when you read this 🩷

After Fajr in the 5th Settlement.

Hiding from the Cairo heat.

Entrusting my loved ones to Allah who never loses His trusts. Salams to Cairo until I come back bi ithnillah ta'ala

I don’t know how any of this is going to happen, but I know I need it

When I made the dua to be carried and taken care of, looked after and mothered, I didn’t have a clue how it would come about or what that would look like. He inspired my friend to invite me and recruited her to look after me. He knew there was no one better suited to the role. He brought me to her and reunited us in a healing way for both of us.

The way Allah manages our affairs is nothing short of breathtaking.

Alhamdulillah endlessly for all of the blessings from the health we have, family, loved ones, protection, grace, our souls, our faith, the Quran, guidance, sitr (covering our faults/sins) and that Allah (swt) is who He is. 

Don't give up on your Duas, you have no idea how close you are to Allah answering them.


Allah (awj) brought me back to Egypt after being away for 14 years. He took care of me all the way there and all the way back.

He answered my Duas and brought the right people at the right time to provide me with what I needed. There is no way I could have pulled any of it off on my own. In fact, I wouldn't have even thought of Egypt as an option or imagined it was possible for me to get there.

Low-Cost Mentoring Sessions

I’ve added more affordable mentoring slots for ladies who are facing financial constraints and want to get the support they need. Sessions are limited and are booked on a first-come-first-serve basis.

If these sessions are still out of reach, check out the weekly support group sessions.

Earn an Unparalleled Reward

لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ ، وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيْرٌ

Lā ilāha illa-Allāh, waḥdahū lā sharīka lah, lahu-l-mulk, wa lahu-l-ḥamd, wa Huwa ʿalā kulli shay’in Qadīr.

There is no god worthy of worship except Allah. He is Alone and He has no partner whatsoever. To Him Alone belong all sovereignty and all praise. He is over all things All-Powerful.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever says [the above] 100 times in a day will have a reward equivalent to that of freeing 10 slaves. A 100 good deeds will be recorded for him, and a 100 of his sins will be blotted out from his scroll. He will be safeguarded against Shaytan on that day till the evening; and none will surpass him in doing better good deeds except someone who has recited these words more often than him.” (Bukhārī 3293)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever says [the above] 100 times in the morning and evening, none will surpass him in doing better good deeds except someone who has recited it more than him.” (Nasā’ī in al-Sunan al-Kubra 10335)

Did You Know I Offer Weekly Women’s Support Groups?

There are both weekday evening and weekend groups to join, with 5 spaces available per meeting. The 90-minute sessions meet online and can fill up pretty quickly. Come check them out!

Join the next group

Cairo: The city of a thousand minarets

Jazakum Allah Khair for listening and I look forward to sharing more.



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Sincerely, Sumayah
Sincerely, Sumayah - Substack Edition
A bolder, uninhibited look into my elusive, elaborate & ever-evolving inner world.
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